overview opening hours about the place This rental company, located on Slavonic Island (Slovanský ostrov), offers rowboats and pedal boats of all sizes, shapes, and types. Motorboats are also available for anyone looking for a bit more comfort. For those with a romantic soul, an evening ride on a boat equipped with a lantern is sure to please. more about the place opening hours april—october mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 11:00—23:00 more about opening hours Source: Půjčovna lodiček Slovanka opening hours april—october mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun 11:00—23:00 PRICELIST Pedalboat: CZK 300/hr Rowingboat: CZK 250/hr Pedalboat for 5 people: CZK 400/hr