overview opening hours A wide range of exotic cocktails, modern cuisine, and a friendly atmosphere at this bar, where you'll also find a dance floor and DJs who won't let you sit still for long. Aloha is a place for everyone who wants to experience true relaxation or "Hawaii" in Prague. Aloha's design is inspired by Hawaiian tiki bar style from the 1930s to the 1960s. opening hours january—december mon, tue 09:00—00:00 wed 09:00—02:00 thu 09:00—04:00 fri, sat 09:00—05:00 sun 09:00—00:00 more about opening hours Source: www.alohapraha.cz opening hours january—december mon, tue 09:00—00:00 wed 09:00—02:00 thu 09:00—04:00 fri, sat 09:00—05:00 sun 09:00—00:00