overview opening hours The ART Concept Gallery is located in the premises of the beautiful functionalist Mánes building above the flowing Vltava river, between Slovanský ostrov and the Masaryk embankment. You can find it on the left-hand walkway, right next to the water tower. The ART Concept Gallery was created as a space for the presentation of contemporary art, especially by domestic living artists. Its objective is to present to the public high-quality works of art by renowned artists who have already built their name on the current art market; at the same time, it seeks to present to visitors high-quality but as yet unestablished artists who are still awaiting more significant promotion. opening hours january—december mon closed tue, wed, thu, fri 13:00—19:00 sat closed sun closed more about opening hours Source: www.g-a-c.cz opening hours january—december mon closed tue, wed, thu, fri 13:00—19:00 sat closed sun closed