H I S T O R I C M O M E N T S An exceptional multimedia space using visual and sound effects. Installation themes include History Between 1918 and 2018 on Wenceslas Square and The Architectural Development of Wenceslas Square from the Late 19th Century to the End of the 21st Century. The Corridor connects the Historical and the New Buildings of the National Museum. 2 0 th C E N T U R Y Bringing together the worlds of politics, public space, and private life, this exhibition presents not only significant events and personalities but also the lives of ordinary people from the beginnings of the First Republic (1918) to the 21st century through the use of multimedia and film and sound recordings. Visitors will see, for example, the pen that was used to sign the surrender of German troops in Prague in 1945 and the first Czechoslovak law from 1918. 4th and 5th floors C H I L D R E N ’S M U S E U M For the very first time at the National Museum, a new permanent exhibition aimed at younger visitors combines interactive displays with authentic items from its collections. Themes include the Paleozoic Sea, Mammoth Hunters, The Middle Ages, and Discovering the Secrets of Nature. 2nd floor