You can also be sustainable when it comes to relaxation in Prague. Swap energy-intensive indoor pools and aquaparks for biotope swimming pools and take your children to an eco-centre instead of a theme park. biotope swimming pools You can also choose environmentally sustainable options for cooling off on hot days. Water conservation is represented by so-called biotope swimming pools. They do not contaminate the water with chemical substances, they ensure its purity simply by mechanical means and maintain the necessary quality by strictly regulating the number of visitors. There are two in Prague: in Radotín and in Lhotka. ecological centres with petting zoos If you are interested in passing on the values of sustainability to your children, visit one of the ecological centres, such as Toulcův dvůr in Hostivař or the eco-centre Prales in Kbely. For more tips on where to go in the countryside to see animals, see here.