Currently, there are nearly 16 000 international students enrolled in degree programmes at Study in Prague TOP 7 universities. International students clubs are clubs of Czech student volunteers who help international students to feel well in their new home. They organize cultural events, courses and trips throughout the year. Get in touch with other students. Meet international students and find information about university news and events at student community webpages and groups. Find your “buddy”! The Buddy Programme helps you to settle in and get to know student life. Buddies are university student volunteers, who will help you in your new home, free of charge. A buddy is a Czech student who will assist you with your arrival, accommodation, basic orientation in the city and in school. Buddies are volunteers who want to improve their language skills, spend some time, and have fun with international students. Your buddy can: contact you by e-mail a couple of weeks or more before the semester starts, pick you up at the airport, train or bus station and help you with your accommodation in the dormitory, show you the university campus, and help you get your student card and public transportation pass. Contact, follow or apply for your buddy at clubs and communities for international students at our universities! Charles University To get your buddy it is necessary to register in Broaddy. The Buddy Program at Charles University is managed by student associations at individual faculties. ESN CU Prague Faculty of Arts Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Faculty of Education Faculty of Science PK FSV (Political science, Faculty of Social Sciences) IFSMA for medical faculties (short-term exchange programmes) ESO (First Faculty of Medicine) Motolak (Second Faculty of Medicine) SČSF (Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove) International Relations Office (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport) Czech Technical University in Prague FB/studyatctu FB/studyatctu group Twitter/studyatctu Intstagram/studyatctu Skype/studyatctu ISC club à ISC CTU in Prague CTU Indian Students Club Czech University of Life Sciences Prague ESN club à ESN CZU Prague IAAS AIESEC Prague University of Economics and Business ESN club à ESN VSE Prague FB Twitter LinkedIn University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague ESN club à ESN UCT Prague FB Twitter Student ambassadors