Language Courses


When it comes to studying abroad while not being on Erasmus or another exchange programme, the tuition is always a heavy burden. There is, however, one way around it — if you choose not to study in English, but instead, you gather all your language capabilities and choose to study in Czech. This is the moment when the preparatory courses come in handy…

While the preparatory course will (apart from lessons in Czech) include subjects aimed to increase your chance of passing the admission exam, we recommend you take your language course at the university where you plan to study. First, it might provide you with an edge when taking the entrance exam, and second, the vocabulary will be much more specific for your respective field of study.

Preparatory courses to choose from

Language courses to choose from

For those, who would like to catch up with their Czech right away, we have prepared a few useful phrases to start with: 

Hello = Dobrý den /dobree den/ Ahoj /a hoy/ (informal, greeting a good friend)
Good Bye = Na shledanou /nas-khle-da-now/
Good Morning = Dobré rano /dobre rano/
Good Afternoon = Dobré odpoledne /dobre od-po-lea-dne/
Good Evening = Dobrý večer /do-bree ve-cher/
Good Night = dobrou noc /do-broo notz/
Please = Prosím /pro-seem/
Thank you = Děkuji /dye-ku-yee/
Yes = ANO /ano/
No thank you = NE, díky /ne, dee-keeh/

How much is it? Or How much does it cost? = Kolik to stojí? /koh-leek toh stoh-yee/
I would like, please…. = Prosím /pro-seem/

breakfast = snídaně /snee-da-nye/
lunch = oběd /o-beeyed/
dinner = večeře /vetchesche/

What would you like to drink? = Co si dáte k pití? /Tso si dateh kpi tee/
One beer / wine please! = Jedno pivo / vino prosim / Yedno peevo / veeno proseem
I’ll have a beer / wine please. = Dám si jedno pivo / vino prosím. /Dahm si yedno peevo / veeno proseem
Cheers! = Na zdraví / Na zdra-vee
One more please! = Ještě jedno prosím / Yesh-tyee yedno proseem
I would like….(food item) = Já si dám …  / Yah si dahm …
I would like coffee / tea, please. = Dám si kafe / čaj, prosím. / Dahm si kafe / chai
The check, please! = Platit, prosim. / Platit proseem
We’re ready to pay, please. = Zaplatíme, prosím. / Za-plah-tee-meh proseem 

How was your weekend? = Jak bylo o víkendu? /Yak bee-loh o vee-ken-doo? 
What’s your name? = Jak se jmenuješ? / Yak seh yme-noo-yesh?

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